Dear community,

As The Okra Project’s new Executive Director, I am honored and humbled to lead this amazing organization in a new direction and begin a new chapter. We are truly poised for a bright future.

More importantly, I am excited to join the many leaders, founders of sibling organizations of New York, and those globally in the fight for all that we can achieve together. What inspired me most a few years ago when I learned about The Okra Project was its dedication to the Black Trans Community; the provisions through mutual-aid and collective action; its uplifting of Black Trans Femmes like myself, encouraging and empowering us to create our own futures. The strength and resiliency that we each possess and that exists in our community is beyond inspiring. It is not only an honor to be of service to you, but my promise. 

I am no stranger to the lack of leadership, accountability, and transparency that have plagued this organization. Many have tried to forget past missteps, hoping to forge a path of newness without addressing old wounds. But in the words of George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” And in recent years, we’ve been stuck on repeat. While I cannot answer for, nor do I myself have all the answers for past shortcomings, I do vow to utilize them as stepping stones and chapters of reference. Through recognition, accountability, and action-based responses, we will transcend past deficiencies and forge strong and sustained paths towards success. 

Since November 2022, my team and I have successfully completed four mutual aid distribution programs, as well as connected the community to mental health resources and safe transportation. Our Holiday Grocery Support Program, Rental Support Program, and Winter Utilities Programs are just the beginning of how we plan to serve our Black Trans Siblings. My goal is for us to continuously collaborate with our community, our donors, supporters, partners, sibling organizations, and our newly established board of directors. Together, we will fulfill The Okra Project’s mission to alleviate barriers faced by my Black Trans Siblings who may find themselves feeling dis-empowered by the systemic tides against us. Our work will never stop until we successfully eliminate what is keeping us from what it is we deserve—a life of not just surviving but thriving! 

In solidarity, 

Gabrielle Inès Souza

Executive Director